About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

“Lift Out”of the Illusions!

Reading this statement daily helps with the many ‘illusions’  we deal with on a daily basis in this dimension.   We need not be ‘pulled into’  these illusions if we realize how to deal with them and by doing so it doesn’t ‘remove us’from here,  it simply feels like you are being  ‘lifted out’  of it so you may be  ‘in it’  but you needn’t be ‘of it’!

I align and attune to my innate intelligence (my innate wisdom) in accordance and alignment with the master intelligence (master wisdom) that of the divine,of love &light.   As I do so,my physical,mental,emotional and spiritual bodies also align with my innate intelligence (wisdom) creating balance &harmony.  This alignment allows  &enables me to ‘lift out’  of the density and illusions of this dimension to move throughout my day in grace.”  Thus it is declared,so it shall be,  INDEED!

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