About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Your Intuition Handbook –How to depend on you!

YOUR INTUITION HANDBOOK is now available as an ebook on Amazon and iBooks …it guides and supports you with real life examples of how your intuition helps you;it explains what intuition is an gives you simple,yet effective tools and techniques to help you connect with your intuition. Learn how to DEPEND ON [...]

CHANNELING regarding virus March 18/20

I am known as Triton. A multidimensional androgynous being of light

This virus has manifested and swept through your experience on planet Earth as she cannot breathe clearly due t the man made things of such importance that are out of alignment with the collective laws of Source. The greed of ownership of her,the [...]

Labour Day Weekend Special Rates

Labour Weekend Special Rates. I am seeing many people going through changes and challenges …I am feeling generous and wish to offer an hour reading/session/counselling for $100 instead of the usual rate of $150. You may purchase more than one and ‘bank’it to be used at a later date. Payment can be made [...]

Does the familiar seem strange and the strange seem familiar?

I have been experiencing many strange and peculiar things for years that I know relate to the energetic shifts occurring on this planet. These range from physical to emotional to other strange yet very interesting experiences. Some days I feel that I am not really here and when I look around at my surroundings,I [...]

Welcome 2016!

It is amazing that another year has passed by and we are now beginning a new year …time zooms by! Many people feel relieved that 2015 is behind us now as it was a challenging year for them. Others perhaps had joyful events take place so their memories carry them forth in joy. Which [...]

Fall Into Grace

As I was simply sitting and contemplating this morning,being open to hear any messages I heard “fall into grace”. As I heard the words,at the same time I felt a very gentle energy surrounding me and it felt as if I had been ‘popped’out of where I was in my room to [...]

Our connection to nature

We are so used to getting up every day expecting the sun will lighten our day,whether it be sunny or cloudy. We venture out to our various destinations often following the same route we do on a daily basis. Some of us take note of the beauty that surrounds us;the vast sky,gorgeous [...]

Be Humble,Be Giving,Be Grateful,Be Accepting

“Holiday times”bring up a lot of emotions,good &not so good,depending on your circumstances. Holiday weekends imply that everyone has time off to enjoy and that everyone has the money/time to do special things. Some do,some don’t. If you are one of the ones that has,be humble &grateful that [...]

“Lift Out”of the Illusions!

Reading this statement daily helps with the many ‘illusions’we deal with on a daily basis in this dimension. We need not be ‘pulled into’these illusions if we realize how to deal with them and by doing so it doesn’t ‘remove us’from here,it simply feels like you are being ‘lifted out’of [...]

“Lighten-up”in all ways possible!

It is important for us to clear our ‘circuits’just like we do by deleting things on our computers that we no longer need. Releasing,dissolving,letting go or simply deleting energy on all levels of our being clears our circuits to ‘hold’new frequencies that serve us in the now. When we ‘surrender’we [...]