About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Our connection to nature

We are so used to getting up every day expecting the sun will lighten our day,  whether it be sunny or cloudy.  We venture out to our various destinations often following the same route we do on a daily basis.   Some of us take note of the beauty that surrounds us;the vast sky,  gorgeous trees,  fields  &  flowers,  majestic mountains or the unique beauty of the desert,  picturesque ice  &  snow,inviting oceans,  lakes or rivers.   Depending on where you live the scenes are different yet they all hold beauty that we can behold  &  utilize. All nature is energy,  just like we are.  T he difference is we have emotions that often get in the way of feeling clear so we can have balance in our energy.   Nature’s energy  ‘just is’  so if we realize we can connect with it’s energy,  we can use it to transform our lower energy to create balance and   ‘amp up’our own.   It’s simple   …  with intention become familiar and practice focusing on the unique energy of all of nature.  Stand on the ground whether it be rock,  sand,  grass or dirt,  &feel the connection running through your body.   Practice leaning against a tree or putting your hand on it’s trunk and  ‘feel’  it …  is it warm,cool,  strong,  soft;  does a word/words come to you with your connection;  how do you feel in your body by doing this?   Try this with all various kinds of trees  …  they all have different qualities!   Do this with flowers;again each and every one will have a different feeling for you.  If you don’t sense anything right away,don’t despair!  Everything new takes practice.  The more you do it the more you will feel.   You too can practice this by picking up various rocks,  shells,  crystals,  wood pieces etc.   What you are doing is finding out how simple it is to align your energy with nature’s energy (life force) and by doing so it brings you balance,  support  &  a recognition of how amazing it is and how transforming this can be  …  and it’s FREE!

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